To Oregon songwriter Haley Heynderickx, a seed represents incubation and the process of navigating the darkest, deepest parts of ourselves before becoming realized. It is a process of turning inward, listening and noticing, and trusting one can create something honest and true despite all the constant noise around us—whether that’s the news, social media, or our own self-doubt. ​​
'Seed of a Seed' is out now on Mama Bird Recording Co.

Album Links​​
Album Download
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Credits, Lyrics & Players​​​​​​​​
Social Links​
Haley Heynderickx
Mama Bird Recording Co.
Label, PR & Licensing
Vincent Bancheri & Eric Loeffler, Mama Bird Recording Co.
vincent@mamabirdrecordingco.com, eric@mamabirdrecordingco.com​
Vincent Bancheri
Susie Giang, Ground Control Touring